Jefferson River Real Estate
Properties for Sale on the Jefferson
Ranches, Recreational Properties, and Vacant Land for Sale
Seeking conservation buyers to protect the Jefferson from inappropriate development!
Please consider placing a conservation easement on any property you buy along the Jefferson River.
See also the: Builder's Guide: Commonsense Do's and Don'ts for Building along the Jefferson River.
See Also: Gallery of Flood Pictures
Current Listings
(Last updated March 1, 2023)
Properties for sale are listed in descending order down the river.
Cardwell Bridge: 1.1 acres / $400,000
Looking for a small building lot on the Jefferson River waterfront? This 1.1-acre parcel sits adjacent to Highway 359 and diagonally across from the Cardwell Bridge Fishing Access Site. Nearly one-third of the property is within the river, and the remaining two-thirds is intermittently within the floodplain, inundated once about every twenty years or so. The property has a private well, septic, and power to the site. A previously installed mobile home was removed after flooding. Please keep in mind that all houses built overlooking the river impact the view and experience for paddlers. The highest and best use of this property would be as a small campsite for paddlers along the river. Please consider purchasing and gifting the parcel to the Jefferson River Canoe Trail.
Learn more about this property: Land Search.

Colter's Run Ranch: 285 acres / $4.95 million
The Colter's Run Ranch includes 2 miles of Jefferson River waterfront, plus 1/2-mile of Milligan Creek winding through the property. Unlike other recreational ranches with ostentatious houses, Colter's Run features a modest, but well-kept, three-bedroom, 2,650-square-foot home built in 1908. About 120 of the 285 acres are irrigated with a 12-tower pivot sprinkler, currently planted in alfalfa. The property includes approximately 60 acres of rich riparian habitat for wildlife and livestock grazing. A shop and livestock barn provide ample space for tools and equipment. We hope to see a conservation buyer purchase this property to protect it with a conservation easement. Broadwater County.
Learn more about this property: Lakehouse Reality

Jefferson River Mansion: 20 acres / $3.795 million
The Jefferson River Mansion is built on twenty acres of riparian floodplain immediately below highway 287. Zoning regulations are often lacking in rural Montana, but apparently a house could be built as an obstacle in the river, as long as it didn't raise the surrounding river level by more than six inches. Thus, the owners built a mound for the house, which can be completely surrounded by the Jefferson River in high-water years. The house itself is probably safe from flooding, but when floodwaters rise, it isn't uncommon to see a string of cars parked along the highway as people get out to take photos of the house in the river. The property features 3,300 feet of Jefferson River frontage. Broadwater County.
Learn more about this property: Lakehouse Reality

Riverview Road: 5.24 acres / $550,000
Looking for a modest building lot on the Jefferson River? This uniquely T-shaped 5.24-acre parcel near Three Forks includes 150 feet of Jefferson River frontage. The corners are marked and the property has power to it and a completed PERC test for septic. There are minimal covenants, and no Home Owner's Association. A drip-irrigated, tree-lined walking path provides access to the river, with a 5-zone watering system from a sand point well shared with the neighbor. Please keep in mind that all houses built overlooking the river impact the view and experience for all paddlers. Please see our Guidelines for Builders and build a modest house that will blend in with the surrounding landscape. Broadwater County.
Learn more about this property: Aspire Reality

Three Forks River Ranch: 350 Old Town Road 379.44 acres / $3.65 million
The Three Forks River Ranch features a riparian wonderland of mature cottonwood trees and abundant wildlife. The property is bisected from west to east by the Jefferson River and northwest to southeast by Interstate 90. Three bridges allow passage back and forth below the interstate, one for the river itself, one for a backwater slough, and the third for a segment of the old Chicago Milwaukee Railroad, which is now a gravel roadbed tying the two haves together. The property also encompasses Shoshone Landing, a campsite on the Jefferson River Canoe Trail. An old gravel pit operation on the west side of I-90 was breached by the river, making a large bay on the south side of the Jefferson.
Above the riparian zone, two irrigation pivots provide water for crops, covering +/- 65 acres. The ranch can support +/- 70 cattle pairs seasonally. The property is split between Broadwater and Gallatin Counties.
We hope to see a conservation buyer purchase this property to protect it with a conservation easement, or better yet, donate the whole property to the Canoe Trail to become a waterfront park for the City of Three Forks.
Learn more about this property: Mcleod Realtors
Success Story

Waterloo: Parson's Bridge 30.53 Acres / $270,000
This was a high priority parcel for the Jefferson River Canoe Trail, and we successfully acquired it as a public campsite and walk-in fishing access site. The property is located immediately downstream from Parson's Bridge near Waterloo at the diversion dam that channels water into the Jefferson Canal. Floaters often need to unload boats to portage around the diversion dam through this property. If one has to unload the boat anyway, then why not camp and get a fresh start in the morning?
This parcel was already semi-public, since there is an informal parking lot and steep boat ramp beside the main road, plus the walkway over the ditch and headgate to portage around the dam. It seemed logical to secure public ownership of this property to avoid future public-private conflicts, and to ensure that the site is properly conserved. The property includes one-third mile of Jefferson River frontage, not bad for a relatively small parcel! The campsite is now known as Lost Tomahawk, named by local school kids after an incident recorded in the Lewis and Clark Journals.