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Jefferson River Chapter LCTHF

PO Box 697
Pony, MT 59747
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Jefferson River Chapter LCTHF
Upcoming Events

Otter Landing Campsite on the Jefferson River Canoe Trail.

Saturday May 3, 2025
Paddle to Otter Landing
Limespur to Sappington Bridge

      Join us for our first paddle trip to our newest campsite on the Jefferson River Canoe Trail!

      Jefferson River Chapter members raised funds and purchased the 4.43-acre property in January 2025. The parcel is part of the abandoned right of way of the old Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Pacific Railroad, which went bankrupt and dissolved in the 1980s. Otter Landing is surrounded by 8 additional acres of state land in an old channel of the river that wraps around the parcel, with potential access to 160 acres of state land across the BNSF spur line to Harrison.

      For this event, we will meet at Limespur Fishing Access Site (GPS: 45.822455, -111.875902) at 9 a.m. to unload gear and shuttle vehicles to the end point at Sappington Bridge. This is a short shuttle and short paddling day, only 8 miles by road or water. Note that all canoes and gear must be carried from the parking lot at Limespur over the BNSF track to launch down the river.

      We will tour three Canoe Trail campsites along the way, beginning with Swift Current, only half a mile from our launch point. There is an active mine adjacent to the campsite, and the claimholder often mows tent sites for paddlers here. We will hopefully get a tour while there.

      Next we will stop at Brown Bear, a campsite on BLM land with 290 acres to explore on the east end of the London Hills. Note that the banks are fairly steep here. Please bring a 25-foot rope to tie your canoe or kayak off to the sumac bushes on the bank. This will be a fairly short stop.

      And finally, we will stop at Otter Landing to tour our new campsite, and hopefully explore the adjacent state land. This site also has steep banks. We may clean up trash or barbwire or do other service work at any of the above sites. Please bring appropriate clothing for the weather, plus lunch, water, sunscreen, work gloves, and garbage bags. We will have bolt cutters with us if we need to remove any tangles of barbwire.

      Backup Date: If Saturday is too stormy, we will plan to paddle on Sunday May 4, 2025 instead.

      Want to keep apprised of updates? Please join and become a member today!

Jefferson River Canyon.

Saturday - Sunday July 26 - 27, 2025
Jefferson River Canoe Trail Annual Trip
Williams Bridge to Missouri Headwaters

      The Jefferson River Canoe Trail retraces by water an essential segment of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail along the entire length of the Jefferson River in southwest Montana.

Two canoes paddling down the river.       The Lewis and Clark Expedition towed dugout canoes up the Jefferson River in 1805 in search of a navigable water route to the Pacific. Most present-day travelers prefer to follow the trail in reverse, floating down the Jefferson River in search of fun and fishing. The entire length of the river is Class I water, suitable for beginning paddlers, except during runoff season in spring.

      The Canoe Trail includes a network of multipurpose campsites on public lands on the Jefferson River. The public may float into these sites for primitive camping along the river. At each camp there are opportunities for such activities as bird watching, mushrooming, hiking, and fishing.

      This year we will pick up where we left off last year, launching from Williams Bridge (mile 20) and paddling the lower Jefferson River to Missouri Headwaters. Along the way on Saturday we will visit Philosophy campsite (mile 17 and stay overnight on Drouillard Island (mile 9). On Sunday we will visit Shoshone Landing (mile 4), then continue downstream to the Jefferson's confluence with the Madison River, marking the beginning of the Missouri River. We will take out downstream at Missouri Headwaters Fishing Access Site. (We may need to do something entirely different if the lower river is closed for replacement of Old Town Bridge.)

      This event is hosted by the Jefferson River Canoe Trail. The campout is open to members of the Jefferson River Canoe Trail, as well as members of the Bozeman Kayaking and Canoeing Meetup Group, Green University alumni, and anyone else who would like to join us.

      In lieu of a fee for the campout, we would be grateful for generous donations to the Jefferson River Canoe Trail to support work to secure additional public campsites along this segment of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail.

Jefferson River Chapter LCTHF
PO Box 697
Pony, MT 59747
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Trading a canoe for a cow.

Conservation Trade-up Challenge!
Trading a book for land for a campsite on the Jefferson River Canoe Trail
Chapter president Tom Elpel's personal fundraiser for the Canoe Trail.

Jefferson River Canoe Trail Annual Meeting Announcement.

Potluck dinner in the earthlodge.

2025 Dates and Details TBA
Jefferson River Canoe Trail
Annual Meeting & Lamb Roast
In the Earthlodge at River Camp

      Mark your calendar for our Jefferson River Chapter of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation (LCTHF) Annual Meeting, coming up Sunday December 8th, in the earthlodge at River Camp! We poured an earthen floor in the lodge this summer, and it really looks great!

      The Jefferson River Chapter brings together supporters from near and far who are passionate about conservation, recreation, and history on the Jefferson River segment of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail.

      We are an inclusive group with diverse interests in canoeing, kayaking, camping, fishing, walking, birding, and mushrooming along the Jefferson River. Come join us at the Annual Meeting to build community and learn what we can do to take positive action together!

      We will host the meeting, enjoy a tour of camp, roast a lamb over the outdoor fire, and have a feast! Please bring any complementary dishes to complete the potluck dinner. Also, please bring your own dishes, plus a chair if you have one.

Missouri River paddlers stop at Shoshone Landing. WHEN: Sunday December 8, 2024 @ 1 p.m.
WHERE: In the earthlodge at River Camp:

                Green University LLC
                2 McKeown Lane
                Cardwell, MT 59721

1 p.m. Lamb Roast / Potluck Dinner
2 p.m. Camp Tour
2:30 p.m. Jefferson River Chapter Annual Meeting
    - Minutes from the last meeting
    - Treasurer's Report
    - Chapter Elections
    - Chapter Business
        - Sharing Montana Region Members
        - $10K Matching Challenge
        - Conservation Trade-up Challenge
        - Silver Star FAS Tree Planting: Next Steps
        - Inventory of River Hazards
        - Property Search Update
        - Point of Rocks: Revive site development and bank stabilization with BLM

      Please RSVP so we have an approximate idea of how many people will be attending.

      And please invite anyone who might like to join us. Thank you!!!

Old fence in cattle pasture.

Sunday April 28, 2024
Shoshone Landing Work Party

      Come join us for a day of work and fun! Last year we replaced the field fence along the southeast side of Shoshone Landing. This year we will replace the wire fence along a portion of the southwest side of the propety. The fence posts are in good shape, but we'll need to strip off the wire and apply new fencing.

Fencing crew.       The existing fence consists of woven field fence with a couple strands of barbwire along the top. The surrounding ranch landowner would like to see similar fencing for the upgraded fence, since the woven wire prevents dogs from dashing through the fence after his cattle. The terms of the access easement from the road into Shoshone Landing dictates that we are responsible for upkeep up the fence.

      We will meet at Shoshone Landing by 11 a.m. Please bring any fencing tools you have, such as wire cutters, hammers, gloves, etc. Additional fence posts would be immensely helpful. Upon completion of the project we will enjoy an early spring potluck and barbecue.

      Note that the Old Town Bridge adjacent to Shoshone Landing has been condemned and closed. Construction of the replacement bridge will begin soon.

Jefferson River Chapter LCTHF
PO Box 697
Pony, MT 59747
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LCNHT Trail Companion: Shoshone Landing: Open to Public Use.

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