In the News
The Jefferson River Canoe Trail was featured in the February 2015 issue of Big Sky Journal:

See the full story at Big Sky Journal!
Newspaper Articles related to the Jefferson River
Posted here with permission of the Montana Standard.
The Jefferson River Canoe Trail
A long-lost tomahawk makes history along the Jefferson River 05/29/2018
Lewis and Clark canoe group to secure public access on Jefferson River 07/31/2017
Following the trail: Group buys campsite 09/04/2014
Time is now to secure public access site on Jefferson River 04/18/2014
Soft Landing? 04/13/2014
The Jefferson River Canoe Trail Project February 2014
Fall Floatin': Sun and scenic views on the Jefferson River Fall 2011
Paddle the river presidential Summer 2010
The Past, Present and Future of the Jefferson River 08/27/2009
Following Lewis and Clark 07/25/2009
Group works to develop Jefferson River canoe trail 09/02/2008
Jefferson River Canoe Trail Proposed 10/18/2004
MSTI Transmission Line
National Park Service Tours Local Canoe Trail 09/15/2011
Natural Disasters
Safety in Sandbags 02/23/2011
Ice Jams Jefferson River 02/22/2011
Jefferson River Watershed Council
Protecting the Jefferson 06/19/2008
Establishing Setbacks along the Jefferson River
Jefferson River group produces builder's guide 11/30/2011
Commissioners vote against setback regulations 04/08/2006
On the Jefferson: Sprawl Prompts Study of Setbacks 10/26/2011
Possible Fishing Access Site Disposal
Fishing access sites coud be sold, traded 01/20/2003
FWP will protect fishing access 04/16/2003
Access from River Bridges
AG opinion: Public can fish Ruby River from bridge 06/06/2000
Fishing access battle continues 01/12/2004
The bridges of Madison County 01/22/2004
Signs, electric fences spark access debate 03/23/2004
River access dispute drags on 04/07/2004
Bridge access policy set 04/24/2004
Madison commissioner stands by bridge resolution 05/15/2004
Madison County Drops Bridge Policy 10/23/2005
Bridge Battle 03/21/2007
Montana's Stream Access Law
Landowners challenge state's stream access law 06/14/2000
Groups rally to preserve access to state waters 07/27/2000
Judge backs state case on stream access 12/14/2000
State's stream access law stands 01/05/2001
Stream Access Law -- Landowners challenges fading away 01/06/2001
Stream access law upheld 12/27/2002
Stream access law upheld 05/28/2003
Montana's stream access law appreciated in its 20th year 05/02/2005
Montana stream law still hot 08/13/2005
Rivers to stay open, AG says 04/01/2007
Conservation Issues
The River Below Outside Bozeman Magazine, Spring 2023
Northern Pike found in Jefferson 04/18/2009
New Jefferson River rules address declines in trout 03/17/2005
Group eyes slough as home for trout 12/14/2004
'Forgotten fork' Anglers give Jefferson another look 10/03/2003
Big Hole, Jefferson win conservation grants 03/02/2003
Federal natural resources chief takes close look at Jefferson River 05/08/2004
Recreation on the Madison River
Bear Trap Canyon 09/12/2001
Lewis & Clark in the Missouri Headwaters Region
Lewis and Clark in southwest Montana 07/10/2002
Dugout Diaries 06/29/2005
200 years to the day 07/31/2005
William Clark heaped praise on Big Hole Valley two centuries ago 07/08/2006
The Jefferson River Canoe Trail was featured in the
Summer 2015 issue of Outside Bozeman:

See the full story at Outside Bozeman!